99%+ Success Rate
Over 99% of our students pass the FAA exam on their first attempt, even though most of them have no prior experience in aviation. If they can do it, so can you.
Lifetime Access
To keep your license, you’ll need to pass a recurrent FAA knowledge test every 24 months. Our students get lifetime access to our online training course, which we update regularly with the industry.
70+ Video & Text Lessons
Access a curriculum built in partnership with a Gold Seal Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) and former Chief Pilot of a Part 141 Flight School to align directly with the FAA’s remote pilot certification requirements.
Lesson Quizzes & 5 Practice Tests
Quiz yourself at the bottom of each lesson, and take our full-length practice tests to see if you’re ready to take the FAA’s exam. Our answer key has full explanations for each question, so you’ll know why a certain answer is correct.
Real FAA Test Questions
Master the FAA’s test concepts with our database of 300+ multiple choice questions. After completing a practice test, you’ll be emailed a performance report and a breakdown of your incorrect responses.
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