MFE Inspection Solutions Houston Training Facility
MFE Houston Training Facility is a premier training center offering specialized industrial inspection technology training. The facility provides comprehensive training for industrial inspection drones, infrared imaging, PMI (positive material identification), and remote-operated vehicles equipped with advanced payload sensors. Our training center is staffed with expert trainers who specialize in providing hands-on practical training to ensure participants are equipped with the essential knowledge and skills to operate and maintain cutting-edge equipment and tools used in industrial inspections.
Course Offerings:
Indoor Drone Inspection Training
Outdoor Drone Inspection Training
sUAS ITC Training Courses
Remote Operated Vehicles Training With Payload Sensors
Indoor Drone Inspection Training
Outdoor Drone Inspection Training
sUAS ITC Training Courses
Remote Operated Vehicles Training With Payload Sensors
Thermography ITC Training Courses
- Level 1 Fundamentals Of Thermography Certification Course
- Level 2 Practical Thermography Certification Course
- Level 3 Master Thermography Certification Course
- Level 1 Electrical Thermography Certification Course
- Level 2 Electrical Thermography Certification Course
Optical Gas Imaging Courses
Advanced PMI Training with Thermo Scientific
Thermography ITC Training Courses
- Level 1 Fundamentals Of Thermography Certification Course
- Level 2 Practical Thermography Certification Course
- Level 3 Master Thermography Certification Course
- Level 1 Electrical Thermography Certification Course
Optical Gas Imaging Courses
Advanced PMI Training with Thermo Scientific
Industrial Inspection Drones Training
Industrial inspection drones have revolutionized the inspection industry, providing safe and efficient inspection solutions for various industries. MFE Houston Training Facility offers on-site training for industrial inspection drones, both indoor and outdoor, to provide participants with the necessary skills to operate and maintain these drones. The training covers drone operation, flight planning, data collection, analysis, and participants receive hands-on training to gain practical experience.
Indoor Inspection Drone Training:
Elios Basic Training Course
The Elios Basic Training Course is a comprehensive training program that covers all the essential aspects of using an Elios drone for inspections. The course includes instructions on basic controls, obstacle avoidance, battery care, and sensor limitations. The program offers hands-on exercises that simulate real-life inspections to improve piloting skills. Upon completion, students will receive a certification of completion, which is required for the warranty and rental of any Flyability equipment.
Training Locations Offered:
New Lenox, IL | Edmonton Canada | Mississauga Canada | Huntington Beach, CA | Marietta, GA | Baton Rouge, LA | Corpus Christi, TX
Elios Basic Training Course
The Elios Basic Training Course is a comprehensive training program that covers all the essential aspects of using an Elios drone for inspections. The course includes instructions on basic controls, obstacle avoidance, battery care, and sensor limitations. The program offers hands-on exercises that simulate real-life inspections to improve piloting skills. Upon completion, students will receive a certification of completion, which is required for the warranty and rental of any Flyability equipment.
Training Locations Offered:
New Lenox, IL | Edmonton Canada | Mississauga Canada | Huntington Beach, CA | Marietta, GA | Baton Rouge, LA | Corpus Christi, TX
Elios AIIM Training Course
The Elios AIIM Training Course offered by MFE Inspection Solutions is a specialized training program that equips drone pilots with the skills and knowledge needed to perform indoor and confined space inspections using the Elios drone. The course covers risk assessment, maneuvering in dark environments, performing inspections, and post-processing data using the Inspector software. The training includes both theoretical and practical components, with pilots going through the entire process of a mission from preparation to realization and data post-processing. Pilots will gain experience and confidence to navigate challenging confined spaces, manage lighting systems, and collect high-quality visual inspection data. Upon completion, students will be able to build quality inspection reports for clients using the Inspector software. This course is suitable for professionals in the industrial inspection, oil and gas, and public safety industries who are seeking to enhance their inspection capabilities with the Elios drone.
Training Locations Offered:
New Lenox, IL | Edmonton Canada | Mississauga Canada | Huntington Beach, CA
Elios AIIM Training Course
The Elios AIIM Training Course offered by MFE Inspection Solutions is a specialized training program that equips drone pilots with the skills and knowledge needed to perform indoor and confined space inspections using the Elios drone. The course covers risk assessment, maneuvering in dark environments, performing inspections, and post-processing data using the Inspector software. The training includes both theoretical and practical components, with pilots going through the entire process of a mission from preparation to realization and data post-processing. Pilots will gain experience and confidence to navigate challenging confined spaces, manage lighting systems, and collect high-quality visual inspection data. Upon completion, students will be able to build quality inspection reports for clients using the Inspector software. This course is suitable for professionals in the industrial inspection, oil and gas, and public safety industries who are seeking to enhance their inspection capabilities with the Elios drone.
Training Locations Offered:
New Lenox, IL | Edmonton Canada | Mississauga Canada | Huntington Beach, CA
Outdoor Inspection Drone Training:
sUAS Basic Training Course
The sUAS Basic Course is a one-day introductory training program for commercial drone operators that provides basic training on the DJI Matrice 300 and Matrice 30. The course covers handling and transportation of the drone, maintenance, including firmware updates, and basic payload operation using the Zenmuse H20 camera. Students will learn how to properly store and ship the Matrice 300, maintain the drone to the manufacturer’s standards, and collect the data they need for future visual inspections. During the course, students will have the opportunity to practice basic payload operation with a DJI Matrice 300 and Zenmuse H20 camera under the guidance of experienced instructors. This course is suitable for those seeking to gain a basic understanding of commercial drone operations using the DJI Matrice 300 and H20 cameras.
sUAS Basic Training Course
The sUAS Basic Course is a one-day introductory training program for commercial drone operators that provides basic training on the DJI Matrice 300 and Matrice 30. The course covers handling and transportation of the drone, maintenance, including firmware updates, and basic payload operation using the Zenmuse H20 camera. Students will learn how to properly store and ship the Matrice 300, maintain the drone to the manufacturer’s standards, and collect the data they need for future visual inspections. During the course, students will have the opportunity to practice basic payload operation with a DJI Matrice 300 and Zenmuse H20 camera under the guidance of experienced instructors. This course is suitable for those seeking to gain a basic understanding of commercial drone operations using the DJI Matrice 300 and H20 cameras.
sUAS Advanced Training Course
The sUAS Advanced Course is a comprehensive two-day program that builds on the foundation of our one-day basic course. This advanced training explores the latest features in commercial drone operation for industrial and environmental inspections. Students will learn about mapping using orthomosaic photogrammetry and selecting the appropriate payload for their needs. Additionally, they will gain knowledge on satellite navigation systems, including Post-processed kinematic (PPK) and real-time kinematic (RTK), and when to use them for specific projects. Thermal imaging is also covered, including isotherms, color pallets, thermal use case scenarios, and limitations due to environmental factors. The advanced course also includes instruction on enhanced LiDAR 3D data capturing and how to use waypoint autonomous flight mission planning to create trending inspection reports.
sUAS Advanced Training Course
The sUAS Advanced Course is a comprehensive two-day program that builds on the foundation of our one-day basic course. This advanced training explores the latest features in commercial drone operation for industrial and environmental inspections. Students will learn about mapping using orthomosaic photogrammetry and selecting the appropriate payload for their needs. Additionally, they will gain knowledge on satellite navigation systems, including Post-processed kinematic (PPK) and real-time kinematic (RTK), and when to use them for specific projects. Thermal imaging is also covered, including isotherms, color pallets, thermal use case scenarios, and limitations due to environmental factors. The advanced course also includes instruction on enhanced LiDAR 3D data capturing and how to use waypoint autonomous flight mission planning to create trending inspection reports.
(ITC) Infrared Training Course
Infrared imaging is an essential tool for detecting and analyzing defects and anomalies in industrial equipment. MFE Houston Training Facility offers specialized infrared training courses to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct infrared inspections. The training covers infrared theory, equipment operation, image interpretation, and reporting, and participants receive hands-on training to gain practical experience.
sUAS ITC Training Course:
sUAS Thermography Certification Course Level 1
The ITC sUAS Level 1 Thermography Certification is a 4-day course that teaches sUAS pilots how to capture and interpret thermal images. It covers infrared science, popular applications, sUAS safety, and camera selection. Attendees who complete the course and a thermography field assignment will receive a recognized certification.
sUAS Thermography Certification Course Level 2
The Level II sUAS Thermography Certification course is designed for sUAS Level I certified thermography professionals looking to expand their knowledge of infrared technology and improve their thermal imaging skills. This course focuses on enhancing quantitative and qualitative skills in thermal imaging and covers topics such as camera settings, heat transfer theory, temperature measurement, and inspection planning. Upon completion, participants receive a Level II sUAS Infrared Thermography Certification. The main difference between the Level I and Level II courses is that the Level II course is more advanced and builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in the Level I course.
Thermography ITC Training Course:
Level 1 Fundamentals of Thermography Certification Course
The Level I – Fundamentals of Thermography Certification course is an introductory course that teaches the basic principles of infrared technology and its various applications. The course covers essential topics such as camera operation, heat transfer, report writing, and safety considerations. Students will learn how to use infrared inspection software, analyze thermal images, and create simple reports. They will also gain hands-on experience with IR camera operation and learn about its applications in reliability maintenance, building envelope analysis, and roof moisture detection. Successful course completion earns the student a Level I Infrared Thermography Certification.
Level 2 Practical Thermography Certification Course
The Level II – Practical Thermography Certification course is designed for Level I certified thermography professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of infrared technology. This course builds on the fundamentals learned in Level I and focuses on advanced camera operation, temperature measurement concepts, and heat transfer theory. Students will also learn how to analyze thermal anomalies across various applications and conditions, define severity criteria for prioritizing issues, and develop a written practice for training and certification. In addition, the course includes practical hands-on exercises to further students’ ability to measure temperatures and diagnose critical problems. Successful completion of the course earns the student a Level II Infrared Thermography Certification. The main difference between Level I and Level II is that the latter provides more in-depth and advanced knowledge and skills related to thermography.
Level 3 Master Thermography Certification Course
The Level III Master Thermography Certification course offered by ITC is designed to deepen your knowledge and skills in thermography. By completing this course, you will gain expertise in safety requirements, program development, procedural implementation, budget management, written practice development, and reporting procedures. With a focus on enhancing your professional capabilities, this course equips you to conduct precise thermographic inspections and establishes you as a competent Level III Thermographer.
Level 1 Electrical Thermography Certification Course
The Level I Electrical Thermography certification course is designed for individuals new to infrared cameras and those who want to specialize in electrical thermography inspections. It covers fundamental training on camera operation, heat transfer, and thermal science, focusing on inspecting commercial electrical systems. This course introduces thermal imaging and measurement systems for electrical applications and teaches attendees to collect quality data and measure temperatures accurately by compensating for critical parameters. Additionally, the course covers safety considerations when performing electrical inspections and the application of thermal imaging for inspecting and diagnosing indoor and outdoor electrical equipment.
Level 2 Electrical Thermography Certification Course
The Level II Electrical Infrared Thermography Training Course is designed for individuals who already hold Level I and Level I Electrical Thermography certifications and are looking to advance their skills in infrared imaging. This course focuses on improving thermography skills for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, with a specific emphasis on indoor and outdoor electrical applications. Upon successful completion of all course requirements, attendees will be awarded an ITC Level II Infrared Thermography Certification.
Optical Gas Imaging Certification Training Course
The Optical Gas Imaging Certification Training Course teaches students how to set up and operate optical gas imaging cameras to find gas leaks and under what environmental conditions gas leaks are most easily seen. Basic infrared theory and heat transfer concepts will be introduced, and lab and/or field practice in finding leaks is a crucial part of the course. In addition, the course covers basic inspection procedures, equipment checkout, route planning, permitting requirements, safety practices/equipment, and reporting concepts. Students will receive a training certification for optical gas imaging camera usage after successful course completion.
Advanced PMI Training with Thermo Scientific
Positive Material Identification (PMI) is a critical inspection technique used to verify the material composition of industrial equipment. MFE Houston Training Facility offers advanced PMI training in collaboration with Thermo Scientific, a leading manufacturer of PMI equipment. The training covers PMI theory, equipment operation, data analysis, and reporting, and participants receive hands-on training using Thermo Scientific equipment.
Advanced PMI Training Course:
MFE Inspection Solutions offers advanced PMI training for level I and II technicians to cover all aspects of Positive Material Identification from Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Alky service and Low Redisdual Element (LRF) materials to carbon content on L&H grade stainless steel. This preparation course is taught by our level III technicians with over 30 years combined in the field. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certification on behalf of ThermoFisher and MFE Inspection Solutions. These courses are generally pre-scheduled. However, MFE provides personalized training for companies with 3 or more students and can schedule any time or date that is convenient to them for an additional cost. Contact MFE Inspection Solutions to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your team’s PMI skills today.
Advanced PMI Training Course:
MFE Inspection Solutions offers advanced PMI training for level I and II technicians to cover all aspects of Positive Material Identification from Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Alky service and Low Redisdual Element (LRF) materials to carbon content on L&H grade stainless steel. This preparation course is taught by our level III technicians with over 30 years combined in the field. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a certification on behalf of ThermoFisher and MFE Inspection Solutions. These courses are generally pre-scheduled. However, MFE provides personalized training for companies with 3 or more students and can schedule any time or date that is convenient to them for an additional cost. Contact MFE Inspection Solutions to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your team’s PMI skills today.
Remote Operated Vehicles Training with Payload Sensors
Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are becoming increasingly popular in industrial inspection applications, providing safe and efficient inspection solutions for hazardous environments. MFE Houston Training Facility offers specialized training for ROVs equipped with payload sensors, including optical gas imaging cameras, acoustic imaging cameras, LiDAR, and other sensors. The training covers ROV operation, payload sensor operation, data collection, and analysis. In addition, participants receive hands-on training to gain practical experience. Contact MFE Houston Training Facility to schedule a personalized training class.
Remote Operated Vehicles Training with Payload Sensors
Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are becoming increasingly popular in industrial inspection applications, providing safe and efficient inspection solutions for hazardous environments. MFE Houston Training Facility offers specialized training for ROVs equipped with payload sensors, including optical gas imaging cameras, acoustic imaging cameras, LiDAR, and other sensors. The training covers ROV operation, payload sensor operation, data collection, and analysis. In addition, participants receive hands-on training to gain practical experience. Contact MFE Houston Training Facility to schedule a personalized training class.
Office Location:
6025 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena, TX 77505
Phone: (832) 230-4650