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Tomorrow Boston Dynamics will announce new growth for their innovative agile robot–the growth of an arm! In addition to legs and cameras, Spot’s arm allows it to do mobile manipulation. It can find and pick up objects, tidy up the living room, open doors, operate switches and valves, tend to the garden, and generally have fun.

The Motion of the hand, arm, and body are automatically coordinated to simplify manipulation tasks and expand the arm’s workspace, making its reach essentially unbounded. In this video, Spot’s behavior was programmed using a new API for mobile manipulation that supports autonomy and user applications, as well as a tablet that lets users do remote operations.

For more information, watch Boston Dynamic’s launch event at 11am EST on Tuesday, February 11, 2021. You can register by clicking here. If you’d like more information on Spot and how it can transform your operations, contact Jason Acerbi at